“Creativity starts where complacency ends.”

About Anaïsa
Name: Anaïsa (Anna-ee-suh) Visser (Vih-sir).
Pronouns: She/her, or they/them.
Education: MFA in Film Production & Creative Writing from the University of British Columbia (2020), and BFA in Film, Video & Integrated Media from Emily Carr University of Art and Design (2013). IDC Intimacy Coordinators Level 1 Course (2022).
Occupation: Writer, Director, Arts Administrator.
Origins: Biracial (Dutch and Pakistani).
Citizenship: Dutch citizen, Permanent Resident in Canada.
Countries: Born in Zimbabwe, lived in Mozambique, the United States, France, and Canada.
Languages: English, French, Portuguese, and Dutch.
Anaïsa is a biracial (Dutch and Pakistani) filmmaker and arts administrator based in Vancouver, BC. She grew up all over the world, namely in Mozambique, the United States, then France, before moving to Vancouver to pursue an undergraduate degree at Emily Carr University. She graduated in 2013 with a BFA in Film, Video and Integrated Media. She subsequently completed her Masters Degree in Film Production and Creative Writing at the University of British Columbia in 2020. Anaïsa is the founder of "Women & Gender Diverse Filmmakers of BC", which unites women, genderqueer, trans and non-binary folk working in film. She has won numerous awards, including the 2017 Vancouver Mayor’s Arts Award for Emerging Artist in Film & New Media, and the 2018 Women in Film and Television Spotlight Award for Newcomer. Anaïsa has made several short films, primarily on topics of mental health and immigration stories. Most recently, Anaïsa had the opportunity to co-direct the first South Asian Canadian Heritage Minute. Anaïsa is the Executive Director at Gender Equity in Media Society Vancouver (formerly Women in Film and Television Vancouver), and teaches in Continuing Studies at Emily Carr University. Anaïsa lives with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and Hypermobile Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, and is passionate about inclusivity of chronically ill and disabled communities.
2024: Selected for the DOC Northwest Breakthrough program (feature documentary, Invisible)
2023: Selected for the Reelworld E20 Feature Film program (feature film, Ashes)
2022: Selected for the Netflix BANFF Diversity of Voices initiative (series, Mixed)
2021: Participated in the WarnerMedia Access Festival mentorship, through the Vancouver International Film Festival
2020: Selected for and completed the Women In the Director’s Chair Career Advancement Module (WIDC CAM), and selected for the Vancouver International Film Festival Catalyst program
2018: Awarded the Newcomer award at the annual Women In Film and Television Spotlight Awards
2018 : Short script Bordered was one of six winners in the Crazy 8s film competition
2017 : Awarded the 2017 Vancouver Mayor's Arts Award for emerging artist in Film & Media
2016 : Short script Send Us Smokes won the Hot Shot Shorts competition
Photos by Mark Dimzon

Screenwriting, story editing, script editing, development, pitching, coaching.
Anaïsa values storytelling from authentic perspectives, please only contact her to write stories she is appropriately positioned to tell.
Directing, assistant directing, actor audition prep, coaching.
Anaïsa values storytelling from authentic perspectives, please only contact her to direct projects you feel she can suitably represent.